Monday, May 26, 2014

Chapter 41 – Dine in Thai Thai restaurant, Sunway Pyramid

“It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them,” by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

This ring so true; recently, my (ex) roommate came all the way from Johor to Sunway Pyramid and it was one of the rare opportunities for it to happen. I was certainly very excited to meet her considering that we have not met each other for years. We have planned to meet up for ages but time is always the factor that causes us to delay our meet up.

Having not met her for years, I had mixed feelings on that day itself; excited, nervous and curious – at one point, I was quite agitated too.

“The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it,” by Hubert H. Humphrey

We had our dinner at Thai Thai restaurant. It is a conceptual cafĂ© and Thai fusion restaurant that accords diners an experience that is captivating both to the palate and the eyes.  As it is a Thai restaurant, it offers a plethora of Thai dishes including Tom Yum soup. It is also a great way for one to pick up some Thai words as it is translated in the menu itself.

Food that accompanied us on that day was:

Tom Yum Soup (Mushroom and Vegetables)
Hot and spicy, that’s the taste to illustrate the soup. It was so awesome to have the first sip but soon, the spiciness started to burn our taste buds; we then quickly opted for Chinese tea as a healing beverage to recover our taste buds.

Spicy Tofu with Basil Leaves
Aiks! We overlooked this. Aside from ordering the hot and spicy Tom Yum soup, we opted for Spicy Tofu with Basil Leaves. That means we had ALL spicy food on that day itself! Nonetheless, we enjoyed the spiciness since our tolerance towards spicy food were pretty high.
While we had our food, our mouths were busy updating one another about each life. In a blink of our eyes, the waiter had to stop our never-ending conversation since the restaurant was about to close. Alas, as much as we wanted to continue chatting, time never seem to be enough.

Indeed, it was a blessing in disguise that she came over to Sunway Pyramid. Though we spent about 3 – 4 hours there, we appreciate and cherish the moments when we get together.

Thai Thai restaurant is located at OB.1D & G1.135 (Ground Floor, Sunway Pyramid)


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