Monday, August 12, 2013

Chapter 22 - Kissaten @ Jaya One

I had posted about Kissaten before this, nevertheless, I still wanted to blog them again! Not because they pay me to do free advertising but, the food itself deserves a praise here. Past few weekends, I tagged my family to Kissaten @ Jaya One. While many may wonder why it is called as Kissaten, it simply means a cafe (in Japanese) that homes a myriad of great food and beverages. From traditional ramen to pizzas and pastas, light snacks such as salads, sandwiches are served here too.

There is a wide array of dishes served in Kissaten - not too little and not too many! Perfect for breakkie, lunch and dinner, you will find different types of cuisine and your cravings will be easily satisfied! And here's what we had for our dinner.

Pork Belly Udon Set (RM 28.80)
Dad thought of giving a try to have something different, so he ordered a bowl of Udon. As it was served in a set meal, dad had its Gyoza and soon, you heard the "slurpp, slurrpp" sound! With abundance ingredients like seaweed, corns and bacons, every mouthful simply gave you a different feeling.

Roasted Chicken Spaghetti (RM19.90)
 All-time favorites - I always hunt for good spaghetti and therefore, I have ordered this to satisfy my tummy. Comes in a thick carbonara sauce, complements with a generous portion of chicken and bits of olives and capsicums, I swear that this is one of the best spaghetti that I ever had (especially coming from a Japanese restaurant).

Salmon Cream Pizza (RM24.90)
While some waited for their mains to be served, we ordered a pizza as quick snack - As I feel that their Char Siew Pizza isn't as amazing when I had them before this, I thought of trying a different one. However, the pizza tastes pretty neutral to me only. Probably, Domino's pizza has stolen my taste buds =)

Salmon Stik Spaghetti (RM21.90)
Look at the big salmon lying on the spaghetti - grills into perfection, the salmon simply adds extra sweet-yet-fresh flavoring to this meal.

Teriyaki Chicken Spagetti (RM18.90)
The taste itself is pretty much similar to the one that I ordered - what makes it different is the meat. When I asked my sister which was her favorite, she pointed to my spaghetti. (HOORAYY!!)

Katsu Curry Rice (RM20.90)
It seems to be so weird of not getting Japanese food when you are in a Japanese restaurant. As Japanese curry is slightly different from the curry that we have in Malaysia, my younger brother chose to try this. Since Japanese curry is sweeter and less spicier, this dish is perfect for those who can't take spicy food. 

On other hand, if you like spicy food, you might not find this interesting! So, it is very subjective and you have to ask your tastebuds on what you like most.

To try Kissaten, you can simply visit:

Address : L12A-1-1,
               Palm Square, Jaya One,
               72A, Jalan Universiti,
               Petaling Jaya,
Contact: 03 - 7954 1990

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