Thursday, November 22, 2012

Chapter 12 - Short trip to Port Dickson

Sometimes, I wish I have more time to either travel and relax or enjoy my dish at my favorite restaurant. Since October, I was pretty occupied with tons of roles and responsibilities. Anyhow, I still thank God that the busy days managed to carve my smile and letting me to understand more about life.

Last month, I managed to have a short trip to Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan with my bestie. As many would have know that Port Dickson is one of the best places to release your stress, this applies the same to me too. During my 2 days and 1 night trip, we visited the Eagle Ranch Resort and decided to stay there. The chosen place to stay in was their unique teepee - a pretty small, decent room that could accommodate up to maximum of 3 persons.
Once we settled our stuff in the room, we took the opportunity to tour around the resort, considering that evening started to welcome us. Eagle Ranch Resort is a best place for those who are adventurous and opt for challenging activities such as high ropes, kayaking, go-kart, horse riding and many more. Known as the "cow-boy" world, I was back to experience my kampung life especially when night fall. Yet, this did not stop me to play go-kart for 30 laps *buntut also sakit* haha

As there weren't any food stalls in Eagle Ranch Resort, we had to travel to the town. Thanks to our buddy, Kenny Chok - he recommended us a hidden secret food stalls that sell pretty relevant good food. Hunger overshadowed our rational minds and thus, we ordered 2 plates of char kuew teow, 14 sticks of satay, 1 roti canai and 6 cups of drinks.

The next day, we woke up early and headed to play another 30 laps of mud go-kart. As rain poured earlier, mosquitoes never stopped sucking our blood but the experience of playing the mud go-kart after pouring is way too valuable. After 30 laps of it, we were drenched with sweat, of course and also, stones hitting us with dirt taking its position on our clothes.

After cleaning ourselves, we rid a horse before bid goodbye to this resort. Riding on our chosen horse "Sunshine Orange" for 2 rounds, it was just an awesome experience.

Ta-da, something in teepee

180' degree of the view in room
Welcome to Barrel world!
Nice chair. 
A good spot to relax and chit-chat
Welcome to Eagle Creek
Invade others' territory.
Challenge me in paintball?
Can you see me? Hehe
Archery area
High ropes and Low ropes
Aww...I miss this. They even have "tingting"
Swimming pool best for those who want to submerge in the water
 Shirley on the horse =)

Overall,it was a satisfying getaway =) I believe I would have more of this opportunity to come.
Good night and cheers.

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